AI Will Destroy, the new single from Samantics, is available to buy and stream everywhere now. Once again, Samantics has taken his overly active imagination on a trip into a not so distant, dystopian future where AI is set to take over the world in a bid to write all of our mistakes, but has a song about the end of the world ever been so catchy?
More and more we are finding AI to be replacing humans across all sectors, leaving many unemployed and begging the question... how long until they replace us entirely? Is AI really out to destroy us, or is it just here to finish what we started?
As you may see from this brief insight, it's another really positive number from Samantics, but he's never been one to shy away from the harsh edge of reality.
Some say we'll be singing this on the front line in the battle of the human race against an army of sentient robots, coming soon.
Watch the Video Now!
Half AI generated, half rigorous human editing, one mind boggling and frantic video.